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Recognizing Aboriginal Title: The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler Colonialism
by Peter H. Russell
Binding: Hardcover
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Results Recognizing Aboriginal Title: The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to English-Settler Colonialism
Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case and Indigenous Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to EnglishSettler Colonialism The proceedings were known as the Mabo Case named for Eddie Koiki Mabo the Torres Strait Islander who fought the notion that the Australian Aboriginal people did not have a system of land ownership before European colonization Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case and Indigenous Recognizing Aboriginal Titleis a work of enormous importance by a legal and constitutional scholar of international renown written with a passion worthy of its subject a man who fought hard for his people and won Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case and Indigenous Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case And Indigenous Resistance To EnglishSettler Colonialism Part One Setting The Stage Part Two Indigenous Colonization And Its Contestation Part Three BuildUp To The Mabo Case Part Four The Mabo Case And Its Consequences Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case and Indigenous They also recount Aboriginal resistance Indeed it was the resistance of Aboriginal activists such as Eddie Mabo from Mer Island north of Queensland who were the catalysts for a rethinking of Australian played this role by pressing a title claim for ancestral family farming plots and fishing places Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case and Indigenous In Recognizing Aboriginal Title Peter H Russell offers a comprehensive study of the Mabo case its background and its consequences contextualizing it within the international struggle of Indigenous peoples to overcome their colonized status Russell weaves together an historical narrative of Mabos life with an account of the legal and ideological premises of European imperialism and their eventual challenge by the global forces of decolonization Book Review Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case Mabo is the case that revolutionized or at least should have revolutionized Australian Aboriginal law In 1992 for the first time in the history of Australia the High Court held that in accordance with the common law doctrine of Aboriginal title a parcel of land the Murray Project MUSE Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case Recognizing Aboriginal Title The Mabo Case and Indigenous Resistance to EnglishSettler Colonialism University of Toronto Press xii 470 6500 In 1992 the Australian High Court made judicial and political history when it recognized the existence of Aboriginal native title for the first time